This is a dish of ancient origins, in most parts Lombardy. The best time to eat this dish is during the cold winter months when the cabbage requires a shorter cooking time.

Season: winter
Difficulty: ĺĺ
Preparation Time: More than 3 hours

Ingredients per 4 people:
1 kg. pork chops
6 small salamis
200 gr. Pork sausage
2 onions
4 kg. savoy cabbage
1 glass of white wine
Salt and pepper
1/2 liter of vegetable broth

Saute in a saucepan the chopped onions with the butter. Then brown the chops ( about 20 mins) In the meantime scold the salami scottate in boiling water (without salt).
Add the white wine to the chops leave to evaporate. Season with salt and pepper and about a third of the cabbage leaves.
Cook for about an hour then add the broth, the sausage which has been cut into pieces, the salami and cook for another half an hour.
15′ before the dish is cook add the rest of the cabbage.
Note: The cassoela must be well cooked.

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